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Brass Nozzle - Exit Orifice

I got my 0.5" Brass Nozzle from my manufacturer today. They look great! I'm very impressed with the quality. The internal diameter is 0.5" the external diameter is 1". The thickness is .177"

The internal edge is very sharp and could cut your finger. I'm sure that this will do perform well. I can't wait to test it, but I'm still waiting on some other parts.


The Anderson's said...

parts are starting to come in from around the world now! What else are you still waiting on?

Mad Scientist said...

I'm still waiting on 2 different pieces before I can assemble the entire thing and get it working.

Mike said...

WHere is your mini body fat tester?

ionCube said...

Great job on your project!

I've been working on one as well recently, and am progressing to the cutter and lighting now. A knife edge orifice is important, and I've used a 15mm hole punch in 0.6mm anodised aluminium, countersunk with a dremmel. This worked very well, but your brass one looks super. You should get some fine results with that!

I used a tangential input first but found that it's not essential, and using a couple of inlets on the bottom of the jet worked fine too. You can then inject directly into the first mesh/foam structure eliminating the first plenum, potentially reducing the length of the jet. You might also get good results with less thick foam.

I'd be interested to know where you sourced the PMMA fibre. I was hunting for a while and finally have a special glass fibre one being made that should come in a few days, but I've my doubts about it. Embedding the light engine into the jet is appealing so I'm planning to try that as long as the sealant that the chap at Electrolube suggested is up to it!

Looking forward to your next results!


Mad Scientist said...

Welcome IONCUBE! Cool Name! Thanks for posting! I've been getting a lot of traffic, but not a lot of people posting about there projects too. So I appreciate it!

I'm waiting on a couple of different parts before I can test the entire nozzle setup, and can't wait for the parts so that I can see the laminar flow.

I got the PMMA from China. I may not need all of the PMMA that I have so if you are interested I could potentially sell you some. If you are interested let me know.

What is this "ELECTROLUBE" that you speak of?

ionCube said...

Hi, that was a quick reply! :)

Electrolube ( make chemical products used in the electronics industry, and they have an optically clear polyurethane potting compound that I'm planning to try. Some jets use fibre with an external light, and some embed the light; I think that the Oase jet uses a 35W LED engine in the jet. Something like the Lamina (appropriately enough) Titan would be awesome, but I'm not sure where that would fit. It might work well for an external light engine though. See
I think that they have the worlds highest output LED's, and these need a big heatsink. Digikey have the titan at a decent price.

I've been researching waterproofing and I'm not sure if hot glue will be enough to seal your solenoids over time, and I wonder how you're going to seal the actuator against water ingress. You can get conformal coating sprays, and you might need to encase the solenoid in something (silicone, wax, etc.) and put something around the actuator. Then again, if it's not really getting that soaked it might be fine.

I'm going to try a stepper for the cutter actuator. You can get waterproof ones but I've only found ones that are too large and relatively expensive, so I'm going for a regular one and doing my best to waterproof that.

Thanks for mentioning in one of your posts. I didn't know about it, and it's what I've been wanting while working on this and it may be very useful.

ionCube said...

Blogger chopped part of the Lamina URL. Go to the main URL and drill down in products and you'll find the Titan.

Thanks for the offer on the fibre. I'm going to see how the glass one works, or not, and I'll be interested to see how you get on. And I forgot that I'd also ordered a plastic fibre sample from someone here in the UK, so I'm going to test that too when it arrives. It's a bundle of 64 smaller fibres. My glass one is 7mm diameter, and I think has several thousand really thin fibres. You can get cutters for plastic fibre (I ordered a pair with my sample pack) and that might get you a clean edge that doesn't need polishing (not sure though).