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Off the Deep End/Underwater Exploration

I know this is my project blog, but this guy, Karl Stanley, is so amazing that I have to post about him. Karl Stanley IS a MAD GENIUS and therefore gets to be heard on today's blog. Karl has built his own personal submarine! He did it without any formal engineering school or training. That's definitely genius! He has also logged in over 1000 personal dives in his submarine, and he did it all for about $20,000 dollars.

That makes me want to build my own submarine! It's a pretty long article, but WELL worth the read!


The Anderson's said...

that was acutally a really fun article to read, what a crazy but smart guy. I wish I could go down on a dive with him and check that thing out.

Mad Scientist said...

Yeah, it makes me want to quit my job and move to the Caribbean and learn how to dive! ....How weird is that?