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Make Magazine

AS you can tell I love to make things! Projects are so fun and you get to learn so much. That's how I've learned all about electronics. Sure I had a course in college on electronics, but that essentially taught me one thing. V=IR Great, now you know as much as I do about electronics. Luckily you can learn a great deal of information from working on projects.

I've added some videos from Make Magazine to the side bar on the right. I love make magazine! It is sooooo informative and the projects are really fun! I love watching the videos because they teach you a lot about everything. They just aren't electronic projects, they have a wide range of project ranging from silk screening your own T-Shirts to building your own treubuchet.

So if you have a minute take a gander at some of the awesome weekend projects!


Loralee said...

You are a genius in our book.