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Mab Laboratory

I always wanted to be an evil genius. I have TWO main problems with that:

First, I'm not very mad. I'm not mad in either sense of the word. I'm not an angry person, nor am I crazy. At least, I don't consider myself mad.

Second, I'm not a genius. That's the real bummer. =( I keep trying to come up with something really creative, that everyone wants, that takes no money to start, and let the royality checks come rolling in, but that hasn't happened yet.

I am, however, very passionate about engineering, building, creating, and being creative, and as such this leads me to one of my favorite things to do PROJECTS! This blog will be a tribute to both success and failure of my projects. Hopefully there will be more of the former and less of the latter.

Welcome and enjoy your stay. Please comment on anything you like or make suggestions that you have for billion dollar ideas.